Before Your First Visit

Please print and fill out all 9 forms immediately below and bring all eight documents to your first appointment along with your health insurance card.

Intake Information

Covid-19 Informed Consent

State Notification

Patient Rights and Responsibilities

EAP Form

Telephonic Communication

Health Insurance Claim Form

Intern Informed Consent

Magellan Statement of Understanding

Private pay clients: please be aware cash and checks are accepted at the appointment time. Debit and credit cards may be used.

Clients using EAP benefits and Insurance programs, be sure to contact them before the first appointment. Insurance programs do not guarantee payment for services rendered.

Please be sure to check if prior authorization is required to avoid billing later.

Please be sure to receive a referral if needed.

Check and be prepared to make full payment if your program has a deductible.

Check and be prepared to meet copayment responsibilities.

Help for the Hurting is in many, but not all, insurance networks.

Help for the Hurting is not currently participating with the government sponsored programs.